

Executive Director

Born a while ago
Grew bigger but remained modest
Studied – studying – will be studying – it is important to remain objective
Drove a lot, will always drive a lot, builds daily


Executive Partner

Born a long time ago
Became pretty big (yeah, really!)
Our go-to-person if things shouldn’t get too hot
Really built a lot

Our architects and engineers have a broad range of experience and personal references, and are prepared to take on complex planning tasks in the area of both old and new buildings.

The same applies to the areas of general planning and project management. SIGMA PLAN Weimar GmbH plans and operates with the newest state of the art technology and in accordance with the structural norms and standards.

Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Appelt
Executive Director

Architect Torsten Bude

Dipl.-Ing. Jan Weyh                                                                                                    Partner & Authorized signatory

Stefanie Burghard, B.A.                                                                                                Executive Assistance

Dipl.-Ing. Mathias Seifert, Mitarbeiter SIGMA PLAN

Dipl.-Ing. Mathias Seifert

Dipl.-Ing. Ivonne Lier

Dipl.-Ing. Darius Cizeika

Architect Kathrin Fliedner

Dipl.-Ing. Arne Wölfert

Kevin Orlamünder, M.Sc./ B.Sc.

Beril Erbil, M. Sc.

Katja Wendt, Co-worker

Friedrich Albrecht, Project manager

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Friedrich Steinfelder, Co-worker

Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Kleemeyer

Dipl.-Ing. Nicole Horlbeck,
Head of department in Hof

Dipl.-Ing. Hagen Michulitz,
Head of department in Königs Wusterhausen

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Jens Helmich

Uta Junghans, M.Sc.

Michael Ilsemann, B.S.c.

Anja Appelt-Hiller, Head of Marketing and Media Department